Current Work
This is all work in progress, none of these are 100% finished.
For this new project which I will be continuing throughout my Postdoctoral Fellowship, I am juxtaposing the ancient material of clay with digital aesthetics. Painstakingly recreating my 90s childhood, I will celebrate the materiality, comfort, and nostalgia of digital devices and packaging. The pieces are hand-built in stoneware clay and then painted with Amaco Velvet underglaze. They are hollow, which adds to the difficulty of creating shapes that were moulded in plastic by Apple and Nintendo.
This work is directly inspired by the ceramicist Stephanie Shih, and through her genius and generosity I have learned a huge amount from her. I also highly recommend Lilly Maetzig’s Domestika course, which allowed me to learn ceramics from home during COVID. To follow my artwork check out my instagram sketchbook here.
Previous Work
I made these sculptures and screenprints during my degree at Wimbledon College of Art. Inspired by Jaron Lanier’s “You Are Not A Gadget,” they each expressed different kinds of data; and the idea of reducing nuanced and complex parts of human life, or the beauty of nature, into facts or numbers. Through the visual metaphor of the graph, I explored the human relationship with the internet and the fear that we lose the very nuance and “murkiness” that makes us human when we translate ourselves into our online accounts.
For more details about each of these pieces, please check out my old website here.
Other stuff
I made the music video for pop musician Superheart - Never Again using StepMania to create the style of a dance mat song.
You can actually play these steps yourself with your keyboard arrows!
Firstly download the StepMania program here:
Then the Superheart song pack here:
See if you can beat the music video score!